Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and in accordance with national, state, and local public health authorities, we have postponed all in-person meetings. We will meet via virtual meetings, quarterly (every February, May, August, and November) on the second Tuesday.

Together, Solano Public Health and the ATOD Prevention Collaborative are working to reduce youth access to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
Early use of these products can cause life-long addictions, and a decreased quality of life. Since there is no known safe level of exposure to tobacco products or secondhand smoke, according to the US Surgeon General, it also helps non-smokers in our community when fewer people use tobacco.
There are many ways to reduce under-age access to these products, such as raising prices, discouraging family and friends from providing products to youth, and not allowing alcohol, tobacco and marijuana retailers to locate near schools, parks, playgrounds, churches and recreational areas.
The California Healthy Kids Survey shows that marijuana and e-cigarettes are easily available to teens. Use of flavored e-cigarettes among middle and high school students has tripled. The ATOD Collaborative is working to make sure our youth are not being used to promote these products through clothing, accessories and household items.
The Collaborative partners welcome your participation. To learn more and become involved, contact a leader in your area. There is a countywide group working with the Solano County Office of Education, and we currently have teams in the following cities: