Be in charge

Chronic disease is an “umbrella” term for different diseases. A chronic disease is a long-lasting condition such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, depression, asthma or arthritis.
You can prevent many chronic diseases by taking action with the right information and community resources. Living with a chronic disease is easier if you take ownership of your health. Take charge!
Chronic diseases affect the whole family and caregivers, not just the person with the condition. By being in charge of your health, you can enjoy life’s most important moments. Being around to enjoy grandchildren and family celebrations like weddings, graduations, anniversaries and holidays, is compelling and important motivation to take control of your quality of life!
Your choices can help you have more energy, maintain your independence and live life more fully.
Here are some suggestions to:
Be Physically Active, visit the Active Living page of this website for tips.
Eat Healthier, visit the Access to Healthy Foods and Beverages page of this website for tips
Here are some programs that can help you be in charge. Click here