Water stations in schools and parks
Did you know that a large cola has 65 grams of sugar? That is 45 sugar cubes in liquid form.
- 60% of America’s weight gain over the past few decades is attributable to sugary drinks.
- The average adult would have to walk 3 miles to burn off the calories in just one 20 ounce soda.
Safe, fresh drinking water is important for our overall health. Solano County schools and parks are working hard to have free drinking water more available to students and park users. Solano Public Health is assisting them with strengthening their wellness policies and providing them with new water bottle filling stations.
Visit the links below to see where you can find water stations in our schools and parks.
What happens when you have a reusable water bottle? You drink more water!
Carrying a reusable water bottle you can refill throughout the day will help you keep hydrated without the added calories and cost of sugary beverages.