Fresh air. We all need it!

Multiunit Housing
Since the COVID-19 pandemic more people are working from home, and for many this means more exposure to secondhand smoke and vape. Secondhand smoke is sneakier than you think. It can enter your home through cracks in the walls, pipes, even electrical outlets. A neighbor’s smoke can trigger asthma attacks in children and vulnerable populations. Vapes can contain chemicals known to cause cancer such as nickel and formaldehyde. Since we know these dangers, now is a great time to consider quitting for yourself and your neighbors. Smoke residue lingers days or weeks after smoking has occurred. Thirdhand smoke includes tobacco or vape residue that builds up on surfaces and furnishings including bedding, carpets, and walls. In fact, tobacco thirdhand smoke residue include more than 250 chemicals, including carcinogens.
Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, you can click on Smokefree Apartment House Registry tab to find out how to create smoke-free living in your apartment complex.
A great resource for quitting can be found at Kick It California. Do it for your health and for your neighbors!
Outdoor Dining
Secondhand smoke from cigarettes and vapes can also affect the dining experience for restaurant owners and staff and its customers. In fact, recent studies indicate that smoke free policies benefit business revenue rather than challenge it. While indoor smoking is not allowed, outdoor smoking in dining areas is still permitted in some California cities which can lead to unhealthy levels of secondhand smoke exposure. Today, smoke free outdoor dining has been enacted in more than 100 cities in California. To see if your city supports smoke free outdoor dining click here